Possibilities of Partnership

Tuesday January 7, 3-4:30 ET

Facilitated by Rev. Darcey Laine

Since 2020 many of our congregations have been finding new ways to work together. Whether you are currently part of a congregational partnership or curious about how that might work for you, we invite you to Join with UUs from around the region to share stories about partnerships among UU congregations. 

The first half of the workshop will include leaders from 3 congregations telling the story of their own congregational partnerships including gifts and challenges. The second half will be an opportunity to share with other UUs in small groups about your own congregational stories and questions. We are better together.

Registration information to follow from the UUA

Soul Matters Small Group (Zoom)  – Next meeting December 18

3rd Wednesdays at  6:30 -8:00 pm October through May

Facilitated by Rev. Douglas Taylor and Becca Boerger

Offered jointly to the Athens, Cortland and Binghamton UU congregations, this will be a chance to connect and share spiritual themes with members of your own congregation, and with your neighbors.

Soul Matters groups offer the gift of spiritual connection. Around us swirls a shallow, frantic and materialistic culture that regularly leaves us cut off from our deepest selves, life’s gifts and needs greater than our own. Many of us come to church hungry to mend these sacred connections that get frayed and torn. Soul Matters exists to support this journey of reconnection to life, others and ourselves.  RSVP to Rev. Douglas at [email protected]

Online Events:

Chalice Circle:

Next meeting is Thursday, December 12 at 6:00 on Zoom

A time for reflection, sharing and listening on the ordinary and extraordinary experiences of our lives. Past participants have appreciated the deep listening and sharing and the caring connections woven among members.

This is a covenant group, where participants expect to attend each month for the church year as they are able, and to let us know if they are not so we can keep each other in our hearts.

Join by zoom: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/94126915483?pwd=Z3FNVGw5ZE5SZUtDRFFBdG0rUzkyQT09

Large print hymnals available

Do you find the regular hymnal or the slides on the worship screen too small to read? At the Greeter table in the UUCAS sanctuary large print hymnals are available during services. We’d be happy to see them used- check it out some upcoming Sunday.


Wedding Venue Information:

Please see our page on Wedding Wire

Standing Events:


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